A woman riding a blue bicycle



Buy and Sell, Together

Buy and Sell, Together

Buy and Sell, Together



Craigslist is creepy. Ebay’s a crap shoot.

If you want to sell a thing, why not list it on a site with billions of friendly, human faces?

It’s that one difference – the people you meet – that we focused on in this campaign that launched Facebook Marketplace.

When you buy and sell stuff, you never know who you’ll meet. A car enthusiast, a comic nerd, or just someone you’d never have encountered if not for that sale. It’s not some grand overpromise. When there’s a face behind your transaction, you can buy and sell with confidence.

At launch, we showcased the breadth and quality of Marketplace items by taking real listings and filling a house in Austin with them. Our interior design influencers curated the items and styled the home, finally throwing a party where visitors could actually make offers on each item.

And for social, we provided Facebook with design guidelines for News Feed, Twitter and Instagram posts. Our templates and content strategy allowed them to highlight the quality of individual products, showcase aspirational lifestyle imagery, and individual buyer/seller stories.

Our goal was a 2 point increase in unaided awareness.
Our campaign hit 7.